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Ibiza Tarot

The Emu and the Jabiru - 22 Oracle Cards - Walk the Path of Unity and Balance

The Emu and the Jabiru - 22 Oracle Cards - Walk the Path of Unity and Balance

Regular price $18.67 USD
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- Size: 14 x 9 cm
- 24 cards
- Beautiful Printed Envelope Box

In this tale, an emu and a jabiru argue over who is the fastest and most majestic bird. The emu boasts of its speed, while the jabiru claims its height and beauty. They decide to race, but both learn that their strengths lie in different qualities. The story emphasizes the importance of recognizing one's unique gifts and understanding that each being has its own value. It teaches that comparison can be unproductive, and we should appreciate diversity and the different strengths of others, rather than competing with them.

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